

Welcome to 火博体育大学, a top-ranked liberal arts school in beautiful Saratoga 斯普林斯,纽约.

Do you thrive in a small, personal community rather than a place where no one knows 你的名字? Would you like to count your professors as mentors and friends and learn 在一个友好、支持的环境中做事? 如果是这样,我们想你会喜欢的 在这里.


请先复习一下 如何申请, as all application steps listed are required for international students. 此外, 你需要特别注意:

  • 英语水平测试 
    If 英语 is not your first language and if you have not attended a high school for three years or more where 英语 is the only language of instruction, you must submit 托福、雅思或多邻国英语考试成绩. 我们可以免除托福、雅思和多邻国考试 完成IB文凭课程的学生.
  • Secondary school and university-level transcripts and recommendations
    Recommendations not written in 英语 should be accompanied by 英语 translations. Transcripts should include an explanation of the grading scale/system.
  • CSS档案

    International students do qualify for financial aid at Skidmore. 待考虑 for institutional aid, you must either submit the CSS档案 or the Skidmore International Student Financial 援助 Application. 一旦你提交了 application and receive access to your Skidmore Applicant Portal, you will be able to fill out and submit the Skidmore International Student Financial 援助 form at no cost by clicking the link in your financial aid checklist.

请注意: The $65 入学s application fee will be automatically waived for all international students who are applying for need based financial aid. 你可以要求减免费用 directly within the Common Application or Coalition Application payment page.



A group of students from Hayat Club gather during a fair

More than ever, pursuing study in a country other than your own is not only beneficial 对你来说,但对促进全球理解至关重要. 我们希望你能给火博体育 serious consideration, as our strong and growing family of international students — nearly 300 on 校园 — confirms that Skidmore offers a valuable educational and 个人经验.

Skidmore’s students come from nearly 70 countries and speak more than 60 different 语言. And our international students create some of the strongest bonds in our 社区-与彼此,与美国.S. 学生和教师,许多人持续了 在他们毕业几十年后. No matter where you're from, we're confident you'll quickly find your way here and contribute greatly to our community. 

The international student experience at Skidmore is supported by a network of 项目和专门的团队. 简单地说:我们在这里支持你. 我们鼓励你 explore some of these areas and programs related to international student 生活 on 校园. 

Skidmore has been a proud member of the Davis United World College Scholars Program (DUWCSP) since 2004 and welcomes nearly 40 first-year United World College graduates 每年到校园. Davis students' talent, motivation and significant contributions add to the richness of our ever-evolving global 校园 climate. 



Skidmore considers an international student to be any individual who does not have United States citizenship or a permanent resident visa. 火博体育申请 process, the international 入学 counselors evaluate all applications for international 学生们以及美国政府.S. citizens attending school 在美国以外nited States.

You are eligible to apply if you’ve completed the equivalent of a U.S. 中学 education, are a GED recipient or have completed a 中学 equivalency exam.

The 入学s requirements for international students are the same as they are for 美国学生除外:

If 英语 is not your first language and if you have not attended a high school for three years or more where 英语 is the only language of instruction, you must submit 托福、雅思或多邻国英语考试成绩. 我们可以免除托福、雅思和多邻国考试 完成IB文凭课程的学生.

The residential liberal arts and sciences college is a uniquely American model for 本科学习. It is a holistic approach to intellectual and personal growth that encourages engagement across academic disciplines and within all aspects of 校园 生活. This broad approach is different from the vocational/professional preparatory 在世界各地的大型大学中发现的模式. 在美国是本科 programs at universities and colleges share similar characteristics.

Currently, there are about 250 international students from more than 60 countries. This represents about 9% of the overall student body of 2,700 students. 我们还有 美国大学的一些学生.S. citizenship who enrolled at Skidmore from a high school 在美国以外.S. 5%的人持有双重护照.S. 另一个国家).

是的. Housing is guaranteed for four years for all Skidmore students. 目前,90% 我们的学生中有一半住在校园里.

英语 is the language of instruction at Skidmore, and it is necessary that all students be proficient in reading, writing, and speaking 英语. 一般来说,96-97分 托福或7分.0/7.5 on the IELTS, or a 120 on the Duolingo 英语 Test is regarded as an indicator of minimal proficiency for study at Skidmore.

有更多问题吗?? 我们有更多的答案. 探索更多招生常见问题.



We appreciate that choosing a college in many ways is about identifying a 校园 where 在接下来的四年里,你会感觉很舒服. 但是,当你有几百或者 在千里之外,这是很难做到的. 令人高兴的是,我们已经开发了几个 virtual resources we think will help you picture what 生活 is like here.