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Definitions for Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, 跟踪,报复和其他可以在禁止行为部分找到 第九条政策,够了就是够了政策,或者反骚扰政策.

原告: 被指控为可能构成犯罪行为的受害者的个人 违反一项或多项性行为和基于性别的不当行为(SGBM)政策.

被申请人: An individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute 违反一项或多项SGBM政策.

首选顾问: 投诉人和被投诉人均可选择由一名律师陪同 他们选择参加任何有关的会议、听证会、会议和采访 正式投诉的调查或裁决. 在大多数情况下, 顾问的角色仅限于观察、咨询和提供支持 去参加派对.

选择顾问不得代表投诉人或投诉方发言或沟通 被调查者. Outside of 听力, this includes but is not limited to in-person meetings, phone conversations, email, or any other forms of electronic or written communication with 大学工作人员.

双方有权咨询并聘请律师作为其顾问 选择,费用自理,但有例外情况如下. 和其他顾问一样 选择,律师将不被允许代表发言或沟通 他们所建议的学生如上段所述,除了在 听力.

However, there is one exception: For 听力s conducted specifically under the Title IX Policy, each party’s Advisor of Choice is permitted to ask the other party or parties 以及任何证人所有相关问题和后续问题,包括这些 具有挑战性的可信度. All such cross-examination questions must be asked in a respectful, non-intimidating 非虐待时尚.  这种交叉询问必须在现场听证会上进行 直接的,口头的,实时的,由党的顾问选择,而不是由 方个人. 如果一方当事人没有顾问出席听证会来进行 质证时,学院将免费向当事人提供质证资料 advisor 书院院长’s choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, 代表当事人进行交叉询问. 此外,一方可能会要求 the College to provide them an advisor earlier once the Initial Investigation Report 和证据包已准备好供各方审阅.

Any Advisor of Choice who fails to comply with this policy may be asked to leave any such meeting, proceeding or conversation and is expected to comply with this request. 继续不遵守这一政策可能会导致顾问选择编号 不再被允许参与这个角色.  如果选择顾问未能 遵守本政策要求,在尊重、 non-intimidating and non-abusive manner or otherwise violates the policy’s rules with respect to the advisor’s role during 听力, the Advisor may be required to leave 听力. 在这种情况下,当事人将被要求获得一名新的顾问 交叉询问,或者,学院会提供一个顾问 目的如上所述.

受害者主张: For internal victim advocates, as part of their positions at 火博体育大学, these 个人工作提供最初的支持和咨询性受害者 和/或基于性别的不当行为. 经历过性和/或性别歧视的学生 misconduct can seek help from Victim Advocates knowing that those staff members will 没有报告事件的具体细节. 这种状态不受法律保护 in the same way that disclosures to mental health, health care providers, or college 牧师是.

In the event that an investigation is initiated, internal advocates will refer Complainants 来自“源泉”或“计划生育”的外部专业受害者维权人士, 谁将作为下文定义的SGBM支持专家服务 这个过程.

性和基于性别的不当行为(SGBM)支持专员(仅限学生): 的 SGBM 支持 Specialist is a Skidmore Community staff or faculty member appointed by the Dean of 学生 and Vice President for 学生事务 who is trained to support 投诉人或被投诉人. 受过训练的人员名单 SGBM支持专家在线维护.

正式投诉: 由投诉人提交或第九条协调员签署的文件,指控 对被告进行性骚扰,并要求学院进行调查 性骚扰指控. 在提交正式投诉时,投诉人 must be participating in or attempting to participate in an education program or activity 书院院长.

正式投诉可以亲自或通过邮件向第九条协调员提出, or by electronic mail, by using the contact information for the 第九条协调员 如上所述. 本款所使用的“投诉人提交的文件”一词 means a document or electronic submission (such as by electronic mail) or some other mechanism that otherwise indicates that the complainant is the person filing the formal 投诉. 在第九条协调员签署正式投诉的地方,第九条协调员 不是投诉人或其他当事方,并必须遵守有关的标题 第九需求.

A formal 投诉 will contain information about the approximate date/time/location 在报告的事件中,当事人的身份,违反政策的行为或 “charges”, and concise but detailed description of the reported acts that constitute 如果有证据证明违反了政策.

支持措施: 酌情提供非纪律、非惩罚性的个性化服务,如 reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent 在提交正式投诉之前或之后,或在没有正式投诉的情况下 被提起. 这些措施的目的是恢复或保持平等的机会 College’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, 包括旨在保护各方或学院安全的措施 教育环境,或威慑性骚扰.

支持ive 措施 may include counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus escort services, restrictions on contact between the parties, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, 加强对校园某些区域的安保和监控,以及其他类似的措施 措施. 学院将对所提供的任何支持措施保密 to 投诉人或被投诉人, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality 会否影响书院提供支援措施的能力. 的 第九条协调员负责协调有效实施 支持性措施

证人: A person or bystander who observes or has information about alleged conduct in violation 教育法第九章政策. 证人必须观察到有问题的行为或其他行为 是否有与事件有关的资料.

调查员: 根据本政策负责调查投诉的个人. 调查员(年代) will typically be the 第九条 Deputy Coordinator, a members of Campus Safety, and/or 学院指定的外部调查人员. 调查人员至少会出席 年度第九章调查员培训.

听到管理员: 这个人将监督计划,后勤和整体执行 the live 听力, including time-keeping and any technology needs related to the recording 或可访问性. 听证管理人在决定中没有任何作用 证据或证词的相关性或允许性. 第九条协调员或适当的 指定人员将履行此职责.

火博体育是否存在违反第九条政策的决定将 由三人小组作出裁决,或在某些情况下由一人作出裁决. 小组成员 and adjudicators will receive specific training regarding subjects including the dynamics 性和基于性别的不当行为,有关因素的确定 credibility, the appropriate manner in which to receive and evaluate sensitive information 和证据,包括评估交叉询问的问题,方式 审议,以及证据优势标准的适用 以及学院的政策和程序.

Parties will have the opportunity to state whether there is a panelist or adjudicator they feel should not participate in 听力 due to bias or any other reason that 会阻止他们对信息做出公正的评估吗. 任何此类要求 应直接向第九条协调员提出请求. 聆讯小组成员或审裁委员 may be members of the campus community or may be external to the College as determined 由第九条协调员负责.

使无能力: 一个人不能做出理性的,合理的决定的状态,因为他们缺乏 给予知情同意的能力.g.,理解“谁,什么,何时,何地, 为什么或如何”的问题).

由于个人的年龄,可能会出现丧失行为能力的情况.  根据纽约法律 age of consent is 17 years of age and, therefore, a person under the age of 17 lacks 给予肯定同意的能力.

使无能力 can also occur because of an individual’s physical or mental condition 或者是损害个人表达同意的能力的残疾. 使无能力 as a result of a physical or mental condition includes, but is not limited to, being: (i) asleep or in a state of unconsciousness; (ii) physically helpless; or (iii) involuntarily 克制.  根据醉酒程度,受影响的人 酗酒或吸毒的人可能丧失行为能力,无法同意性行为.  Being drunk or intoxicated, however, does not necessarily render someone incapacitated.  酒精或毒品的影响因人而异. 

Whether sexual activity with an incapacitated person constitutes gender-based misconduct depends on whether the 被调查者 knew or should have known of the Complainant’s incapacitation. 被调查者知道什么或应该知道什么的问题是客观的 多么理智的人代替了被告,清醒而又锻炼得好 法官就会知道投诉人的情况.

上诉委员会: 这些人负责审查和决定任何结果 任何一方提出的上诉. 对于第九条的任何政策 够了够了 policy, the panel will generally consist of the relevant Vice President and at least 另一位小组成员.