
Administrative Leave Policy


This policy defines a paid 休假 for exempt staff (administrative/ professional staff) which is similar in concept to the sabbatical program for faculty members. 的 objective of the policy is to encourage professional growth by providing an opportunity to pursue a professional or educational project to enhance competence and potential for contributing to 火博体育大学. 行政离开 is not an employee entitlement. 通常情况下, no more than four administrative leaves are approved annually by the college.


Regular full- and part-time administrative/professional staff employees with a minimum of six years of continuous full- or part-time service may be eligible for a paid administrative 休假.

Conditions and Leave Criteria

的 leave may vary in length from several weeks to as long as five months. 通常情况下, no more than the equivalent of four leaves of term length will be granted during one 财政年度. In some cases, replacement personnel may not be hired to substitute for the employee on leave because one of the objectives of the leave program is to encourage the development of administrative depth and flexibility. Replacement personnel will be considered, however, as needed to meet operational needs.


Leaves for Cabinet members are granted by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation 总统的.

Cabinet members make their requests to the President along with a statement of the leave project, duration and plans for coverage of duties during the leave as outlined 下面.

All other administrative leaves are made to the President by the vice presidents or deans for review by the President's Cabinet along with a statement of the leave project, duraton and plans for coverage of duties during the leave as outlined 下面.


An eligible employee may apply for administrative leave by submitting a written project proposal to the immediate supervisor for review and approval. 主管应该 forward the request for administrative leave to their dean or vice president by January 每年的. President's Cabinet will review requests by February 每年的. 的 proposal should include details of the project, a statement about the value or benefits to be derived from the project and the length of leave requested. 提案应该 also include plans for ensuring satisfactory coverage of job responsibilities during the administrative leave. Once approved by President's Cabinet, a copy should be forwarded 致人力资源. At the conclusion of the leave, the employee should submit a report to his/her direct supervisor summarizing the benefits derived from the leave.



火博体育大学 EMPLOYEE 政策 & 程序